Sunday, May 17, 2020

The War Of Great Britain - 1869 Words

In the United States of America as we know it, there are a ton of different countries. Inside these countries are a ton of smaller and more compact states. Inside these states are a bunch of cities. In the history of this country, however, there weren’t always the states that we know and love. There originally were these 13 little pieces of land that we refer to as the 13 colonies. These colonies were once under very harsh rule and were not very equip to fight back and become separated. They were under the rule of Great Britain. They did not have the man power to gain their independence. They were not ready for this extremely tough challenge. However, with the army that they had, they were ready to fight. From the beginning of the time when the British were the rulers of the Colonies, there was always very heavy tension. The people of the British government, under the rule of King George III, were extremely harsh rulers. They told the colonies what to do, when to do it, and ho w to do it. They were not fair in any way. Beginning in 1765, leading members of the colonies were not happy with the taxing that the British were putting them under. They felt that the British government had no right to tax them when they had no representation in government. This unrest among the colonists had been extremely heated and unyielding until finally they had enough. The colonists, known as patriots, began to form riots in the streets and start major commotion among all BritishShow MoreRelatedThe War Of Great Britain2311 Words   |  10 PagesThe United States had only been free from Great Britain’s rule for a little more than a decade, so the anti-federalists feared our government was going to follow the form similar to that under the King of Great Britain. The Federalist papers were written in the late 1780’s with the attempt to gain supporters on pursuing the ratification of the US Constitution. 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