Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Iagos Character Exposed Through Language and Diction in...

Iagos Character Exposed Through Language and Diction in Othello Everyone at some point in their lives attempts to convince someone to behave certain ways and to do specific things that ultimately will only benefit the person doing the convincing. Throughout the entire book, Othello, Iago attempts to convince numerous people in order to in the end only benefit and help himself. In this scene, Roderigo is explaining to Iago how he no longer wants to love because he is without Desdemona’s love. Iago then focuses on convincing Roderigo not only out of suicide, but also into getting Desdemona back. If Iago was unable to encourage Roderigo to go back after Desdemona, his plans would have been ruined. In lines 296-395, Iago uses many†¦show more content†¦Another example if flattering diction that Iago uses in his appeal is found in line 302, when Iago refers to Roderigo as a â€Å"sill gentleman†. The term gentleman makes it appear as though Iago thinks highly of what Roderigo does and hopefully shows Roderigo the trust that Iago has in him. Iago also tries to persuade Roderigo through the different types of language techniques and appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. Iago uses the appeal to ethos twice in the passage, in line 331 and then again in lines 355-357. In line 331, Iago says â€Å"Come, be a man!†. This statement appeals to Roderigo’s sense of pride in his character. There is no man that does not delight in being called a â€Å"real† man. Iago uses the same type appeal to pride in lines 355-357 when he says that it would be better to die by hanging with her rather than to die by drowning without her. This also shows Roderigo that he should at least have the joy of winning the prize when he dies. Iago also appeals to Roderigo’s pathos in line 301 when he says that if Roderigo kills himself by drowning, then Iago will never love him after he dies. This is a phrase that Iago uses to appeal to Roderigo’s emotion. This touches Roderigo’s emotions because no one wants to do so mething that will cause those around them to not love and cherish them when they are gone. Lastly, Iago appeals to Roderigo’s logic, or logos. This is bestShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Othello - Comedy And Tragedy2481 Words   |  10 Pagesmagnitude composed of plot, character, thought, diction, melody and spectacle, (Myers, pg 118). Conventionally, comedies end happily in which real-world conflicts are resolved. In this essay I am going to demonstrate how each of the playwrights challenge the traditional ideology of comedy and tragedy. Comical elements in â€Å"Othello† are limited, however a neoclassical critic stated, â€Å"there is in this play, some burlesque, some humour and a ramble of comical wit† and therefore, Othello as a whole is â€Å"none

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